+ Fire Door Maintenance in Stockport | North West Fire Doors Ltd
North West Fire Doors 01925 577 177

Fire Door Maintenance in Stockport

Fire Door Maintenance in Stockport.

North West Fire Doors can provide a full range of Fire Door Maintenance services for you locally in Stockport.

North West Fire Doors can provide you with a cost effective solution to all your fire door maintenance issues across Stockport and the surrounding areas. In fact if your in the UK we've got you covered.

It is essential that your fire doors are maintained and all components checked on a regular basis to ensure they will fulfil their ultimate purpose- to save life and property- should that time come. And it needn't cost the earth!

Once a fire door has been installed correctly, it needs to be maintained regularly to ensure that everything is in working order. Periodic checks should be carried out at least once every six months, or where a door is heavily used, it should be checked every three months. Newly occupied buildings may require more frequent checks in the first year of use. Our experienced and knowledgeable team can advise you further about your requirements during any visit you arrange.

What we cover:

  • Door frames and door leafs
  • Closing and Opening devices
  • Intumescent smoke and fire seals
  • Glazed apertures
  • All metalwork and ironmongery
  • British Standard safety signage required
  • Correct cleaning employed
  • Correct security

All maintenance checks should be performed by competent inspectors. Our highly trained and accredited team at North West Fire Doors pride ourselves in our field, and are happy to take care of your maintenance programme, ensuring the best possible performance is a constant for your safety and the equipment that provides it.

Fire Door Maintenance in Stockport

To speak to one of our team for more information, or advice on anything related to fire doors in the North West contact North West Fire Doors now on 01925 577 177 where a member of our office based team will direct your call to the most appropriate specialist.

North West Fire Doors

Help is at hand

Whatever the problems don't panic we can advise you of the best solution and try to work within your budget to achieve compliance. Whether you are in Greater Manchester, Liverpool Merseyside, Cheshire, Lancashire and Cumbria we are only are short drive away.