+ Fire Door Surveys in Wigan | North West Fire Doors Ltd
North West Fire Doors 01925 577 177

Fire Door Surveys in Wigan

Fire Door Surveys in Wigan .

North West Fire Doors can provide a full range of Fire Door Surveys services for you locally in Wigan .

Fire Door Surveys in and around all areas of Wigan from North West Fire Doors

We usually find that it's buildings facilities managers or maintenance service contractors who land here, so hopefully we can help you achieve your goals in Wigan .

Or maybe you have had a visit from the fire service.

Our expert fire door surveyors can inspect and carry out a number of checks on each and every one of yours or your clients fire doors. The actual performance of an installed fire door can vary significantly due to a wide variety of factors, including the door, frame, hardware, intumescent strips and smoke seals. Post-survey the itemised results are then presented to you in a clear manner, taking into account all doors surveyed and a course of action for any work that is required.

Our surveys follow a stringent method of inspection for all parts of the door; as the phrase goes, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link- this is exactly the same principle for a fire door, all parts and components need to be working as designed. The findings of the survey will determine the regularity of follow up routine inspections and audits depending on the results, recorded for you in a user-friendly format.

If you would like one of our friendly team from North West Fire Doors to come on site in Wigan to carry out the audits we are more than happy to carry this out under North West Fire Doors, but are equally happy to do this under your umbrella if you are a service provider for the premises in question.

Fire Door Surveys in Wigan

To speak to one of our team for more information, or advice on anything related to fire doors in the North West contact North West Fire Doors now on 01925 577 177 where a member of our office based team will direct your call to the most appropriate specialist.

North West Fire Doors

Help is at hand

Whatever the problems don't panic we can advise you of the best solution and try to work within your budget to achieve compliance. Whether you are in Greater Manchester, Liverpool Merseyside, Cheshire, Lancashire and Cumbria we are only are short drive away.