+ Prohibition Notice | North West Fire Doors Ltd
North West Fire Doors 01925 577 177

Prohibition Notice

Premises with Extreme Deficiencies

If the Authority is of the opinion that the risk to persons in case of fire is so serious it will be necessary for the Authority to prohibit or restrict the use of those premises.

  • On completion of the inspection of the premises, the inspector will calculate and confirm the enforcement expectation in accordance with the EMM, so that any consideration of prosecution can be justified.
  • A prohibition notice should be prepared and served on the responsible person.
  • The works or actions specified in the notice should only serve to reduce the excessive risk to an acceptable level. It is not the intention that any prohibition notice served should be used to achieve a satisfactory standard. Less serious matters would be dealt with using an enforcement notice.
  • Before serving any notice in respect to a house in multiple occupation, the Authority shall notify the Local Authority Housing Department of its intention and the scope of the prohibition or restriction. When the enforcement notice requires a person to alter premises, before serving it consultation must occur in accordance with Article 30 (5) (a) – (e).
  • Where a prohibition notice has been served, the Authority may withdraw the notice, in writing, at any time.

To speak to one of our team for more information, or advice on anything related to fire doors in the North West contact North West Fire Doors now on 01925 577 177 where a member of our office based team will direct your call to the most appropriate specialist.

North West Fire Doors

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Whatever the problems don't panic we can advise you of the best solution and try to work within your budget to achieve compliance. Whether you are in Greater Manchester, Liverpool Merseyside, Cheshire, Lancashire and Cumbria we are only are short drive away.